11 Jan How to Take Off | Jan 2018
Take Off Advice from a Goose
When you see a Snow Goose take off, it knows where it is going.
Consider: Have you ever found a goose that was lost? Have you ever been asked for directions by a goose? Or have you ever seen a flock of geese without a flight plan?
I doubt it.
That’s because every goose knows that a take off includes the following:
1) Destination
Regardless of what you start, this is what you’ll have when you finish.
For example, it can be an achievement, a result, or a reward.
2) Intention
What is your reason for taking off toward this destination?
Often this can be described as a vision or a story about what happens once you arrive.
3) Plan
What actions will take you to your destination?
For a goose, this is simple: Honk, flap your wings, and follow the leader.
Of course human destinations generally require other actions.
4) Map
What specific, measurable, time-related goals will drive each action in your plan?
For example, you might decide to become a better photographer by reading one book about photography per month.
5) Arrival
How will you know that you arrived? And then, what will you do once you are there?
Each Landing Foretells Another Take Off
Your life consists of destinations, one after another, that combine into a legacy. And so, once you land you have:
6) Another Destination
Thus, it helps if you choose each of the above parts.
Because each of them is inherently part of every take off. And so, either you choose them or others choose them for you.
Since we’re at the beginning of a new year, I recommend taking time to plan your destinations for the months ahead.
Use this list as an outline. Write your answers. And review them often.
Then, you too can have a successful take off, just like a goose.
Much success,
Steve Kaye
Why this matters: Wing Flaps and the Meaning of Flight
Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Please visit the web site for The Trust for Public Land to learn about what they’re doing.
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Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Daphne Radenhurst
Posted at 09:50h, 28 JanuarySuch wise advice, I love it. And beautiful photography.