Better World – 10 Things You Can Do

Here are 10 easy actions that you can take to create a better world.

Bonus: These actions make your life better, too.

Allen's Hummingbird, © Photo by Steve Kaye, in article: Better World - 10 Things You Can Do

Allen’s Hummingbird, Female – This bird lives in a narrow area along the Pacific Coast. It needs your help because its population is declining.

Use Less Gas

1) Drive Less

Shop close to home. Combine errands. Use public transportation or join a car pool for commuting. Walk with your children to school or ride share with neighbors.

2) Drive Smart

Avoid rush hour. Drive slower and safer. Coast to a stop. Accelerate gradually.

3) Drive Small

Buy a smaller vehicle with a smaller engine. Buy a hybrid or electric car.

Why this helps

a) You’ll save money when you use less gas.

b) You’ll cause less pollution when you use less gas.

Save Resources

4) Electricity – Every day

Use LED lights. Turn off lights when leaving a room. Unplug the TV when not in use. Most TV controllers and game units leave the TV on, even after you turn them off. Turn off (or reduce) AC and heating while you are out.

5) Electricity – Long Term

Install a solar system. Buy energy efficient appliances. Add insulation to your home. Install awnings on windows receiving sunlight. Use a heat reflecting paint.

6) Water

Turn off sprinkler systems on rainy days. Use only as much water as necessary. Plant drought tolerant gardens. Replace lawns with drought tolerant plants.

Why this helps

a) You’ll save money when you use less resources.

Other Things

7) Food

Buy organic foods. Avoid GMOs. Plan food shopping so that you buy only as much as you know your family will eat. Cook simple, one-pot meals. Fix meals that leave left-overs for another meal. Plan vegetarian meals.

8) Household Products

Buy paper products made from recycled papers. Buy eco-friendly soaps. In general, buy from Green companies.

9) Green Organizations

Support eco-friendly organizations: Join, volunteer, or donate. Attend their events.

10) Waste

Recycle paper, plastic, and glass. Compost yard waste and vegetable scraps. Donate unneeded goods.

Bonus Idea

Vote for Good People

These will be people who work to protect our democracy, our environment, and our freedoms.

Hint: It’s not the folks who want to cut taxes for billionaires and corporations.

Why this helps

a) You’ll encourage corporations to use ethical processes.

b) You’ll reward ethical companies for being good corporate citizens.

c) And you’ll improve the quality of your life.

Want to Know More?

Save Gas, Save Money – How to save hundreds every year by driving smarter

Organizations – People who are working to make a better world

Good Citizen Check List – Dozens of ideas your can easily use

I Have a Dream

Did You Know?

The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.

Here are two organizations that excel at doing this.

Please visit their web sites to learn about how they are making a difference.

✅ The Trust for Public Land

✅ American Bird Conservancy

Here’s an outstanding book about bird conservation: Bird Conservation