Every Solution Begins With a Dream

Here’s why:

Dreams predict the future.

They describe changes.

And they inspire people.

Like you, I’m concerned about the state of the world.

So here is my dream for what’s possible.

Snow Goose, © Photo by Steve Kaye, in article: I Have a Dream

Snow Goose

I have a dream that:

– People live in harmony with each other, showing respect for everyone,

– People live in harmony with Nature, showing respect for all that lives,

– And people live in harmony with themselves, showing respect for the life that dwells within.

I have a dream that:

– Peace is more profitable than war,

– Communication is more common than conflict,

– Humanity is more important than nationality,

– Love is more normal than hate,

– Life matters more than money.

I have a dream that:

– Corporations put people above profits,

– Corporations sell only products and services that benefit people,

– Sustainability is more common that exploitation,

– Corporations act like ethical citizens,

– Corporations pay fair wages to everyone in their entire supply chain, which is neither too little nor too much,

– Responsibility matters more than supremacy,

– Democracy prevails over fascism.

I have a dream that:

– Enough is more popular than excess,

– Charity is more admirable than luxury,

– Kindness is more common than meanness.

I have a dream that:

– People live without fear,

– Our future contains hope,

– We live as the intelligent creatures we were destined to be.

What’s Next

Dreams without action are fantasies.

First, it begins with me.

I seek to show compassion, kindness, and respect in every part of my life.

I publish articles (like this one) and others (Listed Here).

And I give Presentations that inspire respect for nature.

Then it continues with others.

I support organizations that work to make the world better. Through this, I hope to expand my influence by helping those who are working to make a difference.

And finally, it includes you.

This leads to asking: What can you do to make this dream a reality?

I encourage you to think about this.

You might write a list of actions you could take. And then you could begin with small steps that cause the most good with the least effort.


A better world begins in our hearts.

Our smallest actions affect all humanity.

Our future depends upon all of us.

And yes, that includes you.

Find related articles at:

You Can Create a Better World

Why Kindness

27 Ways to Show Kindness

Conversation with a Song Sparrow

Equality Among Birds

Some of this possible. See:

Positive News – Articles about good people doing good work.