07 Jun The Bird Who Knew Too Much | June 2016
The Bird Who Knew Too Much

Northern Mockingbird, Who Volunteered to Appear in This Blog
Once upon a time there was a bird who knew too much.
This happened because the bird had learned a very special skill.
It learned how to worry.
First, it worried about having enough. As a result, it worked harder than any other bird.
Then it worried that other birds might take the hoard it had collected. As a result, it resented other birds. Now any tweet or chirp became a threat.
Then it worried that it might not be worrying about worries that needed to be worried about. As a result, it suffered headaches, nightmares, and stress.
All this worrying made the bird miserable.
Finally, desperate, the bird went to the Great Feathered One.
“What can I do?” Worried the bird.
“Accept uncertainty.”
“But . . . . “
“And focus on certainty.”
“Then I’d have nothing to worry about.”
“Exactly.” And the Great Feathered One flew off.
The bird stayed still for a long time, pondering how life might be different without worry.
Slowly, the chatter from other birds began to sound like songs. With this, the bird began to feel lighter, as if suddenly free.
It responded with a brief song.
And the songs in the forest became louder, more vibrant, each a celebration of life.
The bird joined them, singing.
Now the bird realized that the key to being wise was thinking less about what it could not control.
So the bird who knew too much became the bird who knew enough.
And the bird lived happily ever after.
Much success,
Steve Kaye
PS: At the time of this writing, the bird who knew too much was unavailable for a photo. So a Northern Mockingbird agreed to have its photo appear in this blog. See it with other birds at: Fluffed Up Birds.
Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Here are three organizations that excel at doing this.
Please visit their web sites to learn about the work they do.
Here’s an excellent book: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to Bird Conservation
You can help – Please share this blog with others.
Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Debra Atlas
Posted at 15:00h, 09 JuneSteve:
Love this story. As a practicing Buddhist this is the core of what life is about – being present. It’s easier to see in Nature but what an important aspect of daily life it is for all of us.
Thanks for this lovely story.
Lin Morel
Posted at 18:50h, 17 JuneThis was precious. I posted it on FB. Worry seems to the flavor of the month.
Peace and blessings – and gratitude – for a great reminder about what’s important.