Note from Steve Kaye about Keep Your Cat Safe
Hello Everyone,
This article was produced by Olivia Felini (who is a cat). I helped by typing the text.
Cats tend to be blunt and brief since they lack the complex vocabulary known to most humans.
So I added a human touch to Olivia’s remarks, while preserving their intent. Otherwise some readers might have found Olivia’s comments to be a bit offensive.
This is Olivia’s first article. She is quite proud of it. So we encourage your contented purrs as you read it.
Thanks for visiting,
Steve Kaye
I’m lucky. Because I’m an indoor cat.
Some of my friends aren’t so lucky. They’re outdoor cats.
These cats have bad luck.
They get hurt. They get sick. And they get lost.
They have problems that shouldn’t happen to a dog.
Here’s how to keep your cat safe.
This happens fast.
A cat is outside.
Suddenly a car appears.
Cars go fast.
No animal can run that fast. Not even a cat.
Some drivers even make their car go faster when they see a cat.
You can help if you’re the passenger.
Snarl. Snarl really loud. (Yelling works, too.)
Make the driver slow down.
How to Keep Your Cat Safe
1) Keep your cat inside – Why: Your cat will live longer
2) Drive carefully – Why: You’ll live longer; You’ll save money on gas; Your passengers won’t snarl at you.
Fleas live outside.
Until a cat walks past them.
Then the fleas jump on the cat.
Fleas are bad. They bite. They cause worms.
Both cause visits to the vet. Or shots. Or yucky medicines.
You may not like spending money on vet bills.
You may not like having fleas in your home.
How to Keep Your Cat Safe
1) Keep your cat inside – Why: Your cat won’t get fleas.
2) You won’t get fleas. Because fleas like people, too.
Some people put chemicals on their lawns.
When a cat steps on the chemicals, they stick to the cat’s paws.
When the cat cleans its paws, the cat eats the chemicals.
Then the cat gets a stomach ache.
And someone has to clean up a mess.
Or maybe the cat dies. Some chemicals are very bad.
There’s another problem.
Some people poison mice.
When a cat eats a poisoned mouse, the cat dies.
How to Keep Your Cat Safe
1) Keep your cat inside – Why: Your cat won’t get sick.
2) Don’t put chemicals on your lawn – Why: You won’t make cats sick. You won’t make children sick. And you’ll save money.
3) Use traps instead of poisons – Why: You’ll protect all critters (cats, birds, and even dogs)
It looks like a dog.
But it’s a coyote.
Coyotes are bad. They kill cats.
Then there are real dogs. And other cats. And birds like hawks or owls.
Did you know that a big owl can carry a small cat?
How to Keep Your Cat Safe
1) Keep your cat inside – Why: Your cat won’t get killed.
2) Keep your dog inside – Why: Cats won’t get hurt; Your dog won’t get hurt.
Most people are nice.
But some people hurt cats.
They throw rocks. They shoot guns. Or they set traps.
Then the cat doesn’t come home.
How to Keep Your Cat Safe
Keep your cat inside – Why: Your cat won’t disappear. Your cat won’t get hurt.
Three More Reasons to Keep Your Cat Inside
1) Indoor cats live three to ten times longer than outdoor cats.
2) Cats kill more than 2.4 billion birds each year. [ 1 ]
3) Cats are one of the few predators that can catch a hummingbird.
[ 1 ] Report by the American Bird Conservancy
See Olivia Felini’s Career Profile: Olivia Felini
Read an Amazing Success Story: How to Achieve Success as a Cat
See Cat Wisdom, a book with photos and wisdom from cats: Cat Wisdom
Preserving Nature, One Cat at a Time