09 Feb Equality Among Birds | Feb 2022
Bird Equality
Conversation about equality.
Once I asked a House Finch, “Are some birds better than other birds?”
“No,” she replied, “All birds are equal.”
“But some birds are faster, larger, and more colorful than others.”
“Yes, that’s true. And yet all birds are still birds.
Birds instinctively know they are part of the vast life that exists as nature.
As such, each bird makes a unique contribution to sustain nature.
If however, birds were all the same, they would need only one of us.“
“Is it possible that some birds might consider themselves to be superior?”
“If they did, that would ruin the forest.”
“How so?” I asked.
“A belief in supremacy covers feelings of inferiority. Or it’s used as an excuse for exploitation.
And both of these lead to excess or violence.
Instead, birds thrive because they live in a mindset of equality.
It’s a strategy that has kept birds alive for tens of millions of years.”
“What if people lived like this?”
“You would have harmony.”
Much success,
Steve Kaye
PS > When people ask me “What’s your favorite bird?” I reply: “Anything with feathers.”
I especially enjoy photos of female birds because their subtle colors convey an example of the extraordinary beauty in nature.
Find More at:
What Birds Want to Tell Us (Book, available from Barnes & Noble)
Conversation with a Song Sparrow
Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Here are two organizations that excel at doing this.
Please visit their web sites to learn about how they are making a difference.
Here’s an outstanding book about bird conservation: Bird Conservation
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Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Catherine Kaye
Posted at 20:20h, 09 FebruaryThoughtful presentation of a complex concept. Nature provides examples and we can all follow and learn if we so choose. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
Rev. Eileen O. Brownell
Posted at 07:49h, 10 FebruarySteve…as always your beautiful photo and simplistic message makes a big impact. Thank you for all that you do to make a difference.
Posted at 12:22h, 01 MarchThank you, Steve! these are common sense but not common practice in our modern society. it is through nature and your kindness in relaying this important message – to remind us all that we are ONE human specie.