Welcome to Funny Birds

The birds think these photos are a hoot. Or a quack.

Enjoy the Funny Birds

California Towhee, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

California Towhee

“I think it broke.”

Domestic Mallard, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Domestic Mallard

Even if her stylist liked it, she thought it was a mistake.

Canada Goose, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye, in Funny Birds

Canada Goose

Job Candidate: Gregarious team player seeks a position at a golf course. Highly productive. Willing to travel.

Black-necked Stilt, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Black-necked Stilt

Beginning yoga posture

American Avocet, Juvenile, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

American Avocet, Juvenile

Advanced yoga posture

Western Bluebird, Male, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Western Bluebird, Male

“You ate what for breakfast?”

Least Tern, © Photo by Steve Kaye, in Funny Birds

Least Tern

It feels good to stretch your toes while flying

Domestic Ducks, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Domestic Ducks

She expected a place with more class when he asked her for a date.

Black-crowned Night-Heron, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Black-crowned Night-Heron

He enjoyed flying, except for the unexpected turbulence.

Brewer's Blackbird, Female, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Brewer’s Blackbird, Female

Year Book Photo (Voted most likely to lay an egg)

Double-crested Cormorant, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Double-crested Cormorant

He hated having to go through airport security.

Turkey Vulture, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Turkey Vulture

Have you yawned today?

Mallard, Male and Female, in Funny Birds, (c) Photo by Steve Kaye

Mallard, Male and Female

He liked to talk about non-linear algebra. No one else cared.

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