25 Oct Shudder at These Spooky Birds | Oct 2016
Spooky Birds
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Spooky Birds are out there, everywhere.
Here’s what to watch for this Halloween.
Loch Ness Swimmer

Western Grebe
Stay away from water.
This creepy monster surfaces silently. Then it’s over. Suddenly.
Note: Before you complain about the quality of this photo, ask yourself: Have you ever seen a crisp, clear photo of the Loch Ness Monster?
Of course not.
That’s because photos of this monster are supposed to be blurry.
Gee whiz.

Common Raven
One word tells it all: “Nevermore.”
After that, there’s nothing left to say.
Unless you want to argue with a raven.
Paranormal Illusion

Black-necked Stilt
This spooky bird has helped sell more pairs of glasses than any fuzzy eye chart.
Is it real? Or is it a reflection of something lurking in your mind?
Only your optician knows for sure.
Caught at Last

Snowy Plover
Finally, after an extensive search that covered six states, this monster is behind bars.
For now.
Who Goes There?

Great Horned Owl
Even after you answered, you keep hearing the same question: “Who? Who? Who?”
It’s enough to make you wonder if you really know who you are.
Is that a spooky bird or is it a spooky bird?
Have a safe and enjoyable Halloween,
Steve Kaye
See more fun at:
Help Birds Tip
Give Books for Halloween Treats
Why: Books are Earth friendly, Mind friendly, and Tooth friendly.
How: Buy books at your local library in their used book store or from an organization that sells used books.
Bonus Benefit: Used books can cost less than candy bars.
Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Here are three organizations that excel at doing this.
Please visit their web sites to learn about the work they do.
Here’s an excellent book: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to Bird Conservation
You can help – Please share this blog with others.
Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Bob Franz
Posted at 09:38h, 28 OctoberYou got me! I must tell you that I had to find an image of a black-necked stilt in my Sibley’s to confirm the shape of its beak. Then I saw the reflections – great shot!
Nancy Hoffmann
Posted at 11:40h, 29 OctoberHave you seen the loon lately? Scary!
Cathy Kozmary
Posted at 06:19h, 07 NovemberAnother fantastic blog! Great idea to give books on Halloween. And to stay aware from scary news. Wonderful thoughts to help stay positive. Much needed at this time!