24 Jan The Bird Next Door | Jan 2017
The Bird Next Door

Northern Cardinal, Female
Somewhere in a tree nearby, you’ll find the bird next door.
This bird is different from the bird you know.
It sings a different song,
Eats a different food,
Lives a different life.
And while this bird may seem odd, what matters is that this bird is just different.
Neither better,
Nor worse,
Just different.

Downy Woodpecker, Male
So maybe we need to accept this bird next door, and
Listen to its song,
Undertand its ways,
Learn what it needs.
Because if we were viewed from that bird’s tree, we too might be the same as the bird next door.
And so acceptance begins with compassion, which always leads to more for everyone.
Consider that these two birds (the Northern Cardinal and the Downy Woodpecker), though different, still share the same branch where they live.
Much success,
Steve Kaye
PS: Please share this post with others. We need more voices speaking up on behalf of Nature.
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Help Birds Tip
Talk to people.
Because all solutions begin with a conversation.
And all conversations begin with an exploration of common values.
Once that’s known, finding solutions becomes easier.
For example, you could point out the birds in your neighborhood. And then use that to start a conversation about birds, Nature, parks, and so on.
I do this when I’m out taking photos. And through this I’ve met many interesting, wonderful people.
So I encourage you to meet the person next door, which might begin by showing a local bird.
Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Here are three organizations that excel at doing this.
Please visit their web sites to learn about the work they do.
Here’s an excellent book: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to Bird Conservation
You can help – Please share this blog with others.
Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Sally J. Pla
Posted at 19:15h, 24 JanuaryA thoughtful, lovely post! I couldn’t agree more about the importance of compassion, sharing our branches, and communicating more. Thanks!
Ivey Fennell
Posted at 19:22h, 24 JanuaryA most excellent message, thank you!
Susan gardner
Posted at 19:57h, 24 JanuaryI love your blog and inspirational messages (of course your photos!)!! How can I post to share on my Facebook?
Jeremy Over
Posted at 01:24h, 25 JanuaryLovely. And we don’t need to build any walls between us and the birds next door
Daphne Radenhurst
Posted at 04:27h, 25 JanuaryBeautiful birds and a lovely message.
Bob Franz
Posted at 07:15h, 27 JanuaryEven if the birds next door are a little “cuckoo?”
Kathryn Grace
Posted at 17:35h, 07 FebruaryEasy reminder that once again fills my heart with peace. Thank you Steve.