Black Phoebe, © Photo by Steve Kaye

How to Be a Millionaire | Dec 2021

A Different Kind of Millionaire

Black Phoebe, © Photo by Steve Kaye, in blog post: How to Be a Millionaire

Black Phoebe, who is a good bird, as explained below

I want to be a millionaire.

But not with money.

With smiles.

So I want to cause a million smiles. (Grins and laughs count, too.)

This will require a million acts of kindness.

Certainly, it might seem like an impossible challenge. Based on longevity, I may need to cause hundreds of smiles every day (give or take a few). Or I may need to live a very, very long time.

But actually causing a fortune in smiles can be easy.

These three examples show how.

Example #1: I was in a grocery store and noticed a woman with a child in her shopping cart.

So I asked, “Where do they stock the children?”

She laughed, “Aisle four.”

And I said, “You picked a good one.” (Another laugh and a smile)

Then, while checking out, I told the person at the register he was doing an awesome job. (Another smile)

And while in the parking lot, I waved at the man directing traffic. (Another smile)

Example #2: I’m taking photos of a Black Phoebe.

And I keep telling the bird, “Good bird.” As you might expect, I smile each time I say this because I’m also a good bird. (So I give myself a dozen smiles before the bird leaves.)

Since we hear what we say, every smile we cause, brings one back to us. It’s a Give One, Get One deal.

Example #3: One day I was outside and I met three women with a child.

So I asked the child, “How old are you?”

She holds up three fingers. (Four smiles)

And I say, “Wow. You have done a lot in three years.” (Four more smiles)

These suggestions provide more possibilities.

Suggestion #1: Cause smiles at home.

If you live with others, you have dozens of opportunities to cause smiles every day.

Just offer praise, express gratitude, and perform favors.

And even if you live with a begonia, you can still talk to the plant. For example, you might say, “Good plant” every time you pass by. I’m sure the plant will appreciate it.

Suggestion #2: Cause smiles outside.

You might wave a greeting at neighbors, acknowledge strangers, and offer simple praise.

For example, you could tell a neighbor that you like their dog. Or their cat. Or their begonia.

Notice how easy this is.

All you have to do is be a force for good, sharing praise, gratitude, and humor with everyone you meet.

By the way, if this seems like a new, radical idea, I invite you to try it for a day. Then notice how you feel.

Now, consider: What if everybody did this?

Then everyone could accumulate a fortune in memories they cherish.

Much success,

Steve Kaye

Find More at:

Gratitude Now

Why Hope Matters

Make a Difference

Small Bird

Did You Know?

The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.

Here are three organizations that excel at doing this.

1) American Bird Conservancy

2) The Nature Conservancy

3) The Trust for Public Land

Please visit their web sites to learn about the work they do.

Here’s an excellent book: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to Bird Conservation

You can help – Please share this blog with others.
Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.

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1 Comment
  • Brigitte Noel
    Posted at 13:29h, 14 December

    Love it, made me smile from start to finish. Sharing on my FB pages.

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