28 May Simple Answers | May 2019
Simple Answers from a Bird

Mourning Dove
This bird landed nearby. So I asked,
“Where am I?”
“You are here, in this moment of now.”
“What am I doing?”
“Traveling through time.”
“Can I control any part of this?”
“Only your choices.”
“Why are my choices important?”
“Your choices become your life.”
“How will I know if I’m making good choices?”
“Seek to be someone you and others would admire.”

Mourning Dove
“What else can I do?”
“Ask questions.”
“What sort of questions?”
“Questions that help you.”
“How will I know what those questions are?”
“First ask yourself what you need. Then ask how.”
“And then what?”
“Be courageous enough to accept new ideas.”

Mourning Dove
“What would make today wonderful?”
“Act with kindness and service.”
“Toward whom?”
“Begin with yourself, as if you were your best friend.”
“And then . . . ?”
“Everybody else.”
“Some people can be a challenge.”
“The way you meet challenges defines you.”
“What else could I do?”
“Be grateful.”
“For what?”
“Even bad news?”
“Yes, because bad news challenges and then teaches.”
Much success,
Steve Kaye
PS: Do you ask yourself simple questions like these?
And then, more importantly, how do you answer them?
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Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Here are three organizations that excel at doing this.
Please visit their web sites to learn about the work they do.
Here’s an excellent book: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to Bird Conservation
You can help – Please share this blog with others.
Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Teri Rider
Posted at 20:34h, 28 MayIt was a perfect choice to have these simple answers from a Mourning Dove. Purely simple and so Divine. Thank you for your wonderful photos and post.
Thea Merritt
Posted at 22:40h, 29 MayI was shaken reading the first few lines, the power of Now. This has helped me recognize more of my choices of today, and how I could have been more grateful. I must use my power and my choices with as much presence and awareness as possible.
Keep riding the waves and helping people, you are good at it! Thank you for sharing, thank you for being a true inspiration.
I ask myself:
“What do I need?”
I answer:
“I need to be patient and kind”
Daphne Radenhurst
Posted at 03:45h, 30 MayI always look forward to your posts because I know they will have beautiful photos and wise words. Thank you for another lovely post, it really did light up my day.
Thilda Zorn
Posted at 21:44h, 31 MayLovely, dear Steve! Much Gratitude (Brother David Steindl Rast calls it Gratefulness), best wishes from Thilda in Guatemala
Lorian Collins
Posted at 09:14h, 02 JuneWow Steve! This is extraordinary. I’ve been moved by the dove’s voices for the last month or so. So nice to hear of your experience with these wonderful beings. These have a similar essence too some of the queries in my book.
I would like to co-create more communication with you. I appreciate your inclusion of me with these precious pictures and words.
Steve Kaye
Posted at 13:05h, 02 JuneThank you to everybody who posts comments. I appreciate your support.
Marvin (Marv) Marshall
Posted at 13:38h, 08 JuneSteve, You are certainly a talent in many areas. You pictures and poems are wonderful to see and read.
Marv Marshall