13 Sep Wing Flaps and the Meaning of Flight | Sept 2016
Why Wing Flaps Matter
A conversation about wing flaps and the meaning of flight
Sometimes Sandhill Cranes take a break from their busy day of foraging to discuss philosophical matters.
For example, here is a conversation between a younger and a senior crane.
“How did I get here?” the younger bird asked.
“You flew,” the senior bird replied.
“So why am I here and not somewhere else?”
“You made a series of wing flaps that brought you here. If you had changed even one of them, you would have landed somewhere else.”
“I never thought a single wing flap could be so important.”
“It can be. Each wing flap is a choice that determines where you land.”
“But what about wind.”
“Everybody encounters wind.”
“I suppose they do.”
“And where you land will depend upon how you choose to fly through wind.”
“Are you telling me that I control where I fly?”
“Yes. Because the sum of your wing flaps determines where you are at the end of your flight.”
Much success,
Steve Kaye
By the way, see a Sandhill Crane flying overhead at: Why Silence
Then see how to choose a destination at: How to Take Off
And see how your signature appears on everything: Your Signature
Help Birds Tip
Keep Bird (Seed) Feeders Clean
Why: A dirty bird feeder can spread diseases such as avian pox. Then one infected bird can spread this illness to others.
How: Clean bird feeders at least once per month.
Birding Resources
Sandhill Cranes migrate south to spend the winter in areas that contain wetlands. Then they spend the night standing in this shallow water, which hinders predators from sneaking up on them.
One excellent place to see Sandhill Cranes is: Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, which is about 95 miles south of Albuquerque, NM. Add your support by helping The Friends of The Bosque del Apache.
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Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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George Nash
Posted at 19:15h, 13 SeptemberEasier to find the cranes in area 1 of Salton Sea refuge during January. San. Bernardino Audobon has found them every year during its annual goose and crane field trip.
Steve Kaye
Posted at 20:40h, 13 SeptemberThank you for this tip. The Salton Sea is an important bird area in California.
Delta Tanimoto
Posted at 09:28h, 14 SeptemberThose are beautiful birds!
Great message. We’re all flying into the wind and getting there one flap at a time.
Lynette M. Smith
Posted at 16:04h, 15 SeptemberIndeed–an important life lesson. Thanks!
Bob Franz
Posted at 06:52h, 16 SeptemberFlaps down, ready to land!