02 Aug Business Experts: Birds | Aug 2016
Business Experts

Mourning Dove, Adult (Senior Business Expert)
This Mourning Dove is a business expert.
Because it follows fundamental business concepts.
In fact, all birds apply these concepts.
First, they achieve a positive Return on Investment (ROI).
That is, they obtain what they need (The Return) by spending less energy (Their Investment) than they use to obtain it.
For example, birds build their nests close to a food source. That way they can maximize the ROI on finding food for their nestlings.
If birds worked with a negative ROI, they would go bankrupt. And in the bird world, there are no bailouts for failure. They perish.
Second, birds work with a clear mission, which is to make more birds.
So everything they do is directed toward survival so they can fulfill this mission. They are either finding food, maintaining feathers, or resting.
You might conclude that birds excel at time management because everything they do has a purpose.
And third, birds care for their environment.
They do this because their survival depends upon having habitat, food, and other birds.
In fact, birds do more than just protect their environment; they enhance it.
They pollinate, scatter seeds, and create nest sites for other birds.
This creates a sustainable, continuing cycle where everything in Nature works in harmony to perpetuate itself.
And it’s notable that this cycle has supported life on our planet for hundreds of millions of years.
So we know it works.

Mourning Dove, Juvenile (Apprentice Business Expert)
Now, consider this.
Are the leaders in your business as smart as birds?
Do they obtain a positive ROI while working toward a specific mission?
And do they do this in ethical ways that enhance the environment?
Because these are the marks of smart leadership.
Much success,
Steve Kaye
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Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Here are three organizations that excel at doing this.
Please visit their web sites to learn about the work they do.
Here’s an excellent book: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to Bird Conservation
You can help – Please share this blog with others.
Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Carolyn Adamson
Posted at 16:15h, 02 AugustSteve,
‘Enjoyed this article and your innovative thinking greatly.
Thank you,
Bob Franz
Posted at 12:31h, 05 AugustAll those concepts about birds are not only quite correct, but in particular for doves they are really – COO – L!
Posted at 18:25h, 05 AugustHi Steve, I have a couple of doves out on my backyard feeding platform right now. They often come around, now that I leave lots of seed out. Not the most sociable birds with each other though, Lots of aggression and threat displays when some of them get together. So you’re right, they are a lot like business people. At least some that I’ve known. Nice shots, by the way.