Endangered Birds: Their Future Foretells Your Future
This article is about solutions.
First, we begin with three comprehensive solutions that serve as a foundation for all the other solutions.
Then there’s an introduction that answers questions most people will have.
After that, each part begins with a brief description of what’s happening followed by specific actions people can take.
And yes, what’s happening to our environment can be disturbing, even depressing.
However, each of the solutions represents an opportunity to help the economy, create jobs, and build a better life for everyone.
Most of the specific (personal) solutions are easy. And many of them can save you money plus improve your health.
Note: References and links to more information appear at the end of this article.
Currently, our economy is based on expanding profit through exploitation of the environment and of people.
While profit and growth can be good, unlimited expansion can be disastrous.
It’s like blowing up a balloon. Eventually, it pops.
Under this strategy, corporations exploit and pollute everything in their quest for expanding profits.
Such an economy is not sustainable.
Eventually, this system will destroy itself (and our civilization) by exhausting resources and poisoning the environment.
Solution: We need an economic strategy based on preserving life.
In financial terms, this is a strategy based on preserving principle where that principle is our environment; and then increasing that principle through investments.
Corporations would then behave like responsible global citizens.
They would use resources within the limits of their availability.
They would include the cost of resource replacement, environmental restoration, and waste disposal in their products.
And they would offer fair compensation to everyone in every part of their operation.
In addition, human impact would be the main consideration in the design, production, and distribution of every product.
Thus no corporation would produce a product that made people sick, destroyed life, or threatened the future of humanity.
Currently, our social systems act in ways that are counter to having a socially just, sustainable civilization for everyone.
Actions based on greed lead to poverty, wars, political unrest, and social disruption.
In addition, starvation and wars cause people to flee their homes. This puts burdens on the countries that receive these refuges.
Solution: We need a social strategy based on compassion, cooperation, and kindness. We need to recognize that all of us are part of humanity.
Then everyone would reject activities that harmed people.
Too many leaders serve corporations instead of citizens. Or worse, they serve greed.
Since no one would vote for giving more money to billionaires, these politicians fool the public by using fear and lies.
Solution: We need leaders who represent the public and work for a sustainable future.
Of course, these leaders need to understand science, respect Nature, have compassion, obey the law, and tell the truth.
If we made these three changes, all the solutions listed below would follow naturally.
What Are Extinct Birds
These birds were once endangered and have disappeared because of human activity that: a) Changed/Eliminated their environment, or b) Killed them.
According to the Worldwatch Institute, 103 bird species have become extinct during the past 200 years [ 1 ]. And according to Wikipedia, over 190 bird species have become extinct since 1500 [ 2 ].
What Are Endangered Birds
These birds are at risk of disappearing. If their populations continue to decline, they will become extinct.
There are now 1,469 bird species threatened with extinction, and 40% of the world’s birds have declining populations [ 3 ].
1) Birds react first.
Birds serve as indicators of environmental health.
Since they are more sensitive to environmental changes than people, they foretell our future.
And – this is important – our future depends upon the health of our environment.
Imagine, for example, that you are on an airplane. I expect you would care about the physical condition of that plane. And I’m sure you would complain if someone started damaging the plane.
2) Birds perform essential functions.
Birds help manage insects and vermin. For example, they eat 400 to 500 metric tons of bugs globally every year [ 4 ].
They also pollinate flowers. And they spread seeds.
Thus, they are an essential part of nature’s ecosystem.
3) Birds are good for the economy.
Bird enthusiasts contribute over $36 billion to the US economy in retail sales annually. This includes money spent on books, binoculars, bird food, travel, and other birding expenses.
In turn, this has generated over $85 billion in economic benefits and created over 860,000 jobs.
Note: Since these numbers came from reports published in 2006 and 2009, all of them are most likely higher today.
4) Birds inspire people.
Birds have intrinsic beauty. They have moved people to create music, write books, and produce art.
These creative works are part of our positive legacy as humans.
They need sufficient habitat, food, and water. If any of these are removed, the creature suffers or (in the worst cases) it dies.
Every wild creature also lives within a complex ecosystem where everything influences everything else. Interruption of any part of this system can be disturbing and sometimes fatal for the species within it.
The following are the main causes of species decline, followed by solutions.
– Loss
Land areas are cleared for urban development, agriculture, or resource removal (e.g., logging and mining). This deprives birds of a place to live.
Lawns and farms lack the environmental diversity needed for most birds to thrive. And when pesticides are used, these areas become toxic to birds.
– Fragmentation
Land areas are divided into pieces too small or too far apart to support a species. Most species require a minimum area to find enough food. Thus, they won’t breed when the habitat is too small.
In addition, the number of males and females living in an area must be sufficient to form mated pairs.
– Degradation
Areas are altered in ways that remove the food or materials that birds need to survive.
For example, cutting down old trees removes nest sites for woodpeckers. Without nest sites, woodpeckers don’t reproduce. Then birds (such as bluebirds, wrens, swallows, and some owls) that use cavities made by woodpeckers don’t reproduce.
Thus, one simple action, such as removing old trees, destroys an entire series of birds.
For example, this Mountain Chickadee is using the cavity made by the White-headed Woodpeckers (shown in the first photo).
These large-scale solutions do more than help birds. They make our communities more attractive, healthy, and valuable.
For example, studies have shown that people are happier, healthier, and more productive when they live in an area that contains trees.
What to Do (Large Scale):
1) Plan communities and agricultural areas to allow migration corridors.
2) Design communities to include habitat areas, such as parks or forest preserves, that support native bird species. These areas need to be large enough and connected to other areas to be effective.
3) Cut trees only when absolutely necessary. Consider leaving the trunk because birds might use it.
What to Do (Small Scale):
1) Support local parks.
Vote for legislation that builds and funds parks. Join local associations that support parks.
Visit local and national parks. The experience of being outside will benefit you in many ways, providing health, recreation, and serenity.
2) Prune trees only when there are specific reasons, such as tree health or safety.
Always hire a professional tree care expert to perform the work. Prune trees only after checking for nesting birds. Stop work if a nest is discovered, and resume work after birds have left the nest.
3) Volunteer to help with habitat restoration. You’ll make a contribution for the future.
Pesticides and herbicides are especially deadly.
These chemicals kill birds or they kill the prey and plants that birds depend upon for food.
Some common, commercially available chemicals are also toxic for people. They accumulate in human tissue. Then, decades later, they can cause cancer or a life-degrading illness.
It’s tragic that some chemical companies have spent huge amounts of money to hide the dangers of using their products.
Bait used to kill vermin also kills birds that prey on vermin. In some cases, these poisons kill an entire food chain.
Rodenticides are especially bad. First, these chemicals take days to kill a rodent. During that time, the animal moves more slowly than normal, thereby making it easier for a bird or animal (such as outdoor pets, raccoons, and foxes) to catch it. Thus, poisoned rodents often kill the animals that prey on them.
Note: Your pets will stay healthy longer when they are kept indoors.
Birds die when they become trapped in litter (especially fishing lines, six-pack packaging, and “Easter grass”).
Birds also die when they eat trash that poisons them or clogs their digestive system. Or they die after eating prey that has consumed trash.
1) Avoid using pesticides and herbicides.
2) Avoid using poisons to kill rodents and other pests. These poisons kill everything – the pest and the entire food chain related to the pest.
Instead, use traps for rodent control because these don’t poison the environment.
3) Buy organic foods. These foods are better for you. And your purchase supports pesticide-free farming.
1) You and your children will enjoy better health.
2) Your pets will live longer. And your vet bills will be lower.
1) Always dispose of trash properly.
Put dangerous trash such as six-pack holders, string, fishing line, and Easter grass, in containers that cannot be opened by birds (or animals).
Note: Cut six-pack holders before putting them in the trash.
2) When practical and safe, pick up trash.
3) Reuse or recycle trash.
4) Plan shopping and other activities to minimize trash.
5) Plan meals to minimize food waste.
6) Volunteer to help with a beach cleanup or similar activity.
1) Your community will be more attractive.
2) Property values will be higher (compared to an area that’s littered with trash).
3) You will enjoy better health.
4) Reduced costs for litter clean up could result in more money for municipal projects that benefit the community.
5) You’ll save money by minimizing waste.
6) You’ll make your community a better, safer place to live.
Assumption #1: Infinite Planet
In the distant past, people considered the Earth to be infinite. That seemed logical because everything seemed endless.
And so people exploited resources without considering their replacement or renewal. They discarded trash without considering where it went. They destroyed landscapes without considering long term consequences.
We now realize the Earth is finite.
It has finite space, finite resources, and finite resilience.
Assumption #2: Human Superiority
Some people have concluded that our superior intellect gives us license to exploit the environment.
But exploitation is not sustainable. Eventually, this will destroy the environment we depend upon for our existence.
First, we need to recognize that these two assumptions are false.
Then we need to replace them with two fundamental concepts.
1) The Earth is finite.
Thus, we must manage our environment as if it were a precious, finite resource. Exploitation then becomes a threat to our future.
2) We are responsible caretakers.
Thus, we need to make conservation a priority in our lifestyle decisions because it’s the right thing to do.
3) We need to replace human superiority with human responsibility.
This needs to be fundamental value for all actions.
Note: See the list of actions that everyone can take in the next section.
These threats include reduced food, water, and habitat.
If you want to read more about these threats, I put that information at the bottom of this article. [ 6 ]
1) Vote for politicians who support protecting the environment.
2) Call or write your elected officials to ask them to support legislation that protects the environment.
3) Support organizations that work to protect the environment. (Suggestions below)
4) Buy from companies that use environmentally friendly processes.
5) Invest in companies that use socially responsible practices.
6) Divest from companies whose policies and practices damage the environment.
7) Conserve energy.
I wrote this article for us.
Because if we continue to do what we’ve been doing, it’s very unlikely that all seven or eight or nine billion of us will be able to survive.
There are disturbing indications everywhere. Polar ice is melting, sea levels are rising, and temperatures are increasing.
So we need to begin making changes. Now.
Then we can thank the birds for warning us.
Wise Leaders
By the way, wise leaders make changes early. Then they have control over implementing options.
If they wait too long, then others dictate how changes are made.
And in the worst case, these changes are forced upon society by revolutions or wars.
The French Revolution is an example of how the public “fixed” the excess of the super wealthy.
More Ideas: What You Can Do
5 Easy Things You Can Do to Help Birds — Everyone can help.
10 Easy Ways to Save Money on Gas — Save hundreds, maybe thousands every year.
You Can Create a Better World — 10 Suggestions for better living
Green Business — Run a business that others will respect
27 Ways to Show Kindness — Create a better world for everyone
Changes Are Underway
Watch this inspiring video: 5 Reasons to Be Optimistic
More information about endangered birds appears in:
Bird Conservation, book published by the American Bird Conservancy.
Birdlife International (web site) and Birdlife International (Publications).
Audubon Report on North American birds that are threatened by global warming.
Want to Know More?
Birds at Risk — See photos of Watchlist Birds
What If Nature Was a Business — Suppose you’re the CEO of Nature. What would you do?
This book, with a positive tone, contains easy solutions for people who want to help birds. [ Click Here to Buy the Book ]
It also contains 106 beautiful photos that show the extraordinary beauty in nature.
Income earned from this book supports bird conservation projects.
References (Endangered Birds)
[ 1 ] The Plight of Birds (from the Worldwatch Institute)
[ 2 ] List of recently extinct bird species (From Wikipedia)
[ 3 ] State of the World’s Birds, 2018 Report by Birdlife International (pdf Version)
[ 4 ] Why Our Future May Depend Upon the Fate of Birds, Article in the New York Times
[ 5 ] Organizations that work to protect our future.
1) Higher sea levels, which will: a) Flood coastal areas, b) Contaminate fresh water zones, and c) Reduce the amount of arable land for agriculture.
2) Increased temperatures, which will: a) Reduce the World’s food supply by making some areas unsuitable for crops or livestock, and b) Make some cities uninhabitable.
3) Extreme weather events (e.g., hurricanes), which will occur more often and cause greater damage.
All of these threaten birds as well as the demands of a large human population.
It used to be referred to as “The Greenhouse Effect.”
That is, carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere retains heat, thereby resulting in temperatures suitable for life on Earth.
As the concentration of CO2 increases, the atmosphere is able to retain more heat. And thus average temperatures will increase.
In 1976 I worked with scientists at a major oil company’s research center who were talking about global warming.
In the 1980s one major oil company began building offshore platforms with longer legs to accommodate rising sea waters.
So the oil industry has known about global warming for a long time.
One side has conducted an aggressive campaign to deny that global warming exists.
The sponsors of this effort have used propaganda technologies developed by the tobacco industry to confuse and deceive the public. For example, they attack scientific measurements as being “inconclusive.” They ridicule scientists. And they publish lies about activists.
They have also bought political candidates. This is easy because corporations can outspend ordinary citizens.
Then these politicians vote against laws that protect our environment, protect your health, and protect your future.
The astonishing part of this is:
1) More money can be made by changing to an economy based on renewable energy.
2) Renewable energy systems will save consumers money because they cost less.
3) Global warming threatens the future of our civilization.
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