21 Jun Birds and Adversity | June 2022
Birds and Adversity

House Finch, Male – A common, yet wise bird.
How Birds Handle Adversity
One day I wanted advice from the birds.
So I called out,
“Hello Good Bird,
How do you deal with adversity?”
“First, I accept it,” the bird replied.
“Yes, adversity is part of life.
It has always been there. And it will always be there.”
“I suppose it has been a major part of all history.”
“And then I welcome it.”
“Because adversity is essential for growth.
In my world, it makes me more careful. It makes me fly faster, with more agility. And it makes me keep going.
Then I always seek the lesson from every encounter with it.
And that makes me a wiser bird.”
“Does it ever bother you?”
“Adversity already brings suffering. So I avoid becoming upset because that would increase the suffering.”
“What about predators?”
“I do everything I can to avoid them.
And in turn, making predators work harder for their food, minimizes their numbers.”
“What about bad weather?”
“I find shelter. And I wait.
I know that bad weather is temporary. So I just need to outlast it.”
“What about scarce food?”
“I must go out searching for food everyday. That’s my job.
I must also be flexible. So sometimes, I fly to new places.
And sometimes I have to eat foods I never ate before.”
“I’m impressed. How did birds learn this?”
“It’s what you would do if you wanted to survive.”
Much success,
Steve Kaye
Find More at:
Uncertainty – How to manage uncertainty
Equality Among Birds – Birds thrive because they are part of Nature
Conversation with a Small Bird – Importance of having a big story
Adversity – Three options to consider
Why You? – Values for a positive life
Hope – How hope helps you
Did You Know?
The most effective way to help birds is to buy land.
Here are three organizations that excel at doing this.
Please visit their web sites to learn about the work they do.
Here’s an excellent book: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to Bird Conservation
You can help – Please share this blog with others.
Inspiring Respect for Nature, one bird at a time.
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Sneed Collard
Posted at 06:39h, 22 JuneFun post, Steve, and glad you’re still out there talking to the birds! Braden and I thought of you recently when we returned to Madera Canyon for the first time since we met you there. It was just as fabulous as ever–maybe even more so—and the Rivoli’s were still buzzing about!
Brigitte Noel
Posted at 07:59h, 23 JuneOne of your best, so wise and timely.
Cathy Kozmary
Posted at 18:18h, 25 JuneGreat post and conversation! So many good lessons – keep them coming Steve!